发布时间:2024-05-27 17:49:26 - 更新时间:2024年06月29日 15:22
GB/T 19851的本部分规定了中小学使用的篮球架的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存。 本部分适用于中小学校内使用的篮球架
Sports equipment and playground for middle school & primary school Part 3:Basketball backstop
Specification for evaluation of basketball coachs in primary and secondary schools
本标准规定了篮球架的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则和标志、包装、运输、贮存。 本标准适用于竞赛和练习用的篮球架(中、小学生篮球架、健身型篮球架、简易篮球架除外),悬挂式篮球架也适用于本标准
Basketball backstop
本标准规定了篮球架的产品分类、技术要求、试脸方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存等要求。 本标准适用于竟赛和训练用的篮球架潇甘长度小于3250mm的篮球架,参照本标准执行
basketball stand
Synthetic surface basketball courts for primary and secondary schools
이 규격은 농구 경기에 사용하는 농구대에 대하여 규정한다. 다만 농구골 네트는 이 규격
Basketball backstops
Basketball backstop
Basketball backstops
Basketball stand
GB/T 19851的本部分规定了初级中学、小学用篮球(以下简称中小学生用篮球)的分类与规格、技术要求及检测方法等方法。 本部分适用于以橡胶贴面并夹带补强层(以下简称胶球)以及经胶粘工艺(以下简称皮球)加工制成的中小学生用篮球
Sports equipment and playground for middle school & primary school Part 4:Basketball
Dimensional and performance requirements of basketball frames
Basketball stand specifications
Sports equipment basketball stand
Specifications for the construction and equipment allocation of small basketball courts
本文件规定了智能行走篮球架的要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、 运输、贮存。 本文件适用于室内使用的智能行走篮球架
Taishan Quality-Smart walking basketball backstop
Covers dimensional and other requirements for netballs excluding the bladders
Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Netball, Netball and Water Polo Specifications Part IV Netball
GB/T 19851的本部分规定了中小学使用的篮球架的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存。 本部分适用于中小学校内使用的篮球架
Sports equipment and playground for middle school & primary school Part 3:Basketball backstop
Specification for evaluation of basketball coachs in primary and secondary schools
本标准规定了篮球架的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则和标志、包装、运输、贮存。 本标准适用于竞赛和练习用的篮球架(中、小学生篮球架、健身型篮球架、简易篮球架除外),悬挂式篮球架也适用于本标准
Basketball backstop
本标准规定了篮球架的产品分类、技术要求、试脸方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存等要求。 本标准适用于竟赛和训练用的篮球架潇甘长度小于3250mm的篮球架,参照本标准执行
basketball stand
Synthetic surface basketball courts for primary and secondary schools
이 규격은 농구 경기에 사용하는 농구대에 대하여 규정한다. 다만 농구골 네트는 이 규격
Basketball backstops
Basketball backstop
Basketball backstops
Basketball stand
GB/T 19851的本部分规定了初级中学、小学用篮球(以下简称中小学生用篮球)的分类与规格、技术要求及检测方法等方法。 本部分适用于以橡胶贴面并夹带补强层(以下简称胶球)以及经胶粘工艺(以下简称皮球)加工制成的中小学生用篮球
Sports equipment and playground for middle school & primary school Part 4:Basketball
Dimensional and performance requirements of basketball frames
Basketball stand specifications
Sports equipment basketball stand
Specifications for the construction and equipment allocation of small basketball courts
本文件规定了智能行走篮球架的要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、 运输、贮存。 本文件适用于室内使用的智能行走篮球架
Taishan Quality-Smart walking basketball backstop
Covers dimensional and other requirements for netballs excluding the bladders
Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Netball, Netball and Water Polo Specifications Part IV Netball