发布时间:2024-05-27 17:49:26 - 更新时间:2024年06月29日 15:22
本标准规定了家用电冰箱(柜)用分子筛过滤器的术语定义、产品分类、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于以R134a或R600a制冷剂制冷的电冰箱、冷冻箱、饮水机、酒柜、制冰机(以下简称制冰系统)用的分子筛过滤器。本标准所指的分子筛过滤器包括普通型分子筛过滤器和带焊接管
Drier filter used in refrigerators
本标准规定了家用电冰箱用分子筛过滤器的术语、产品分类、技术要求、试验方法、枪验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于以R12或R502制冷剂制冷的电冰箱等小型制冷系统用的分子筛过滤器
Molecular sieve filters intended to be used in household refrigerators
Aluminium and aluminium alloy drier filter for refrigerators
Recent discussions have shown that it is desirable to set different IMAP (RFC 3501) flags on message delivery. This can be done@ for example
Sieve Email Filtering: Imap4flags Extension
Electronics controls for household refrigerator
本标准规定了制冷剂用分子筛干燥过滤芯的术语、分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、包装、标志、贮存和运输。 本标准适用于制冷剂用分子筛干燥过滤芯产品,主要用途为各类制冷系统制冷剂的干燥
Solid core desiccant of dehydration refrigerant
"This document describes the ""ihave"" extension to the Sieve email filtering language. The ""ihave"" extension provides a means to write scripts
Sieve Email Filtering: Ihave Extension
Agricultural irrigation equipment. Filters for microirrigation. Strainer-type filters and disc filters
本标准规定了微灌用筛网过滤器的产品分类、技术要求、测试方法及检验规则。 本标准适用于微灌系统中金属壳体或使用水温不超过35℃的塑料壳体筛网过滤器。 本标准不适用于具有自动冲洗功能的过滤器
Screen filters for micro-irrigation
This part of ISO 9912 specifies general construction requirements and test methods for strainer filters and disc filters (hereinafter called filters
Agricultural irrigation equipment.Filters for microirrigation.Part 2: Strainer-type filters and disc filters
Specifies the general construction requirements and test methods (resistance of strainer to internal hydrostatic pressure, resistance of strainer
Agricultural irrigation equipment; filters; part 2: strainer-type filters
Terminal and connector for household refrigerating appliances
1.1 This terminology covers terms used in the description and procedure of analysis of the size of particulate materials through sieve analysis
Standard Terminology Relating to Sieves, Sieving Methods and Screening Media
1.1 This terminology covers terms used in the description and procedure of analysis of the size of particulate materials through sieve analysis
Standard Terminology Relating to Sieves, Sieving Methods and Screening Media
本标准规定了家用电冰箱(柜)用分子筛过滤器的术语定义、产品分类、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于以R134a或R600a制冷剂制冷的电冰箱、冷冻箱、饮水机、酒柜、制冰机(以下简称制冰系统)用的分子筛过滤器。本标准所指的分子筛过滤器包括普通型分子筛过滤器和带焊接管
Drier filter used in refrigerators
本标准规定了家用电冰箱用分子筛过滤器的术语、产品分类、技术要求、试验方法、枪验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于以R12或R502制冷剂制冷的电冰箱等小型制冷系统用的分子筛过滤器
Molecular sieve filters intended to be used in household refrigerators
Aluminium and aluminium alloy drier filter for refrigerators
Recent discussions have shown that it is desirable to set different IMAP (RFC 3501) flags on message delivery. This can be done@ for example
Sieve Email Filtering: Imap4flags Extension
Electronics controls for household refrigerator
本标准规定了制冷剂用分子筛干燥过滤芯的术语、分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、包装、标志、贮存和运输。 本标准适用于制冷剂用分子筛干燥过滤芯产品,主要用途为各类制冷系统制冷剂的干燥
Solid core desiccant of dehydration refrigerant
"This document describes the ""ihave"" extension to the Sieve email filtering language. The ""ihave"" extension provides a means to write scripts
Sieve Email Filtering: Ihave Extension
Agricultural irrigation equipment. Filters for microirrigation. Strainer-type filters and disc filters
本标准规定了微灌用筛网过滤器的产品分类、技术要求、测试方法及检验规则。 本标准适用于微灌系统中金属壳体或使用水温不超过35℃的塑料壳体筛网过滤器。 本标准不适用于具有自动冲洗功能的过滤器
Screen filters for micro-irrigation
This part of ISO 9912 specifies general construction requirements and test methods for strainer filters and disc filters (hereinafter called filters
Agricultural irrigation equipment.Filters for microirrigation.Part 2: Strainer-type filters and disc filters
Specifies the general construction requirements and test methods (resistance of strainer to internal hydrostatic pressure, resistance of strainer
Agricultural irrigation equipment; filters; part 2: strainer-type filters
Terminal and connector for household refrigerating appliances
1.1 This terminology covers terms used in the description and procedure of analysis of the size of particulate materials through sieve analysis
Standard Terminology Relating to Sieves, Sieving Methods and Screening Media
1.1 This terminology covers terms used in the description and procedure of analysis of the size of particulate materials through sieve analysis
Standard Terminology Relating to Sieves, Sieving Methods and Screening Media