

发布时间:2023-06-07 10:37:32


军工检测 其他检测

JUS B.G8.473-1983 .铜.测定

Ores and concentrates. Copper concentrate Determination of silver and gold contents

JUS B.G8.403-1982 .铅.化学分析方法.测定

Ores and concentrates. Lead concentrates. Methods for hemical analysis. Determination silver and gold content

STAS 12864-1990 有色.氰化碱液.测定

Prezentul standard stabile?te metoda spectrometric? de absorb?ie atomic? pentru determinarea aurului ?i argintului din le?iile de cianura?ie. Metoda

Non-farrous ores and concentrates. Cyanding lyes. Gold and silver determination

CSN 44 1701-1987 砂;有色.一般数据

Schválení ST SEV 314-86 doporu?ilo federální ministerstvo hutnictví a tě?kého strojírenství. Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: Ostav pro

Ores and concentrates of non-ferrous metals. General data for chemical analysis methods

CSN 44 1657-1989 锑砂.黄的测定

Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: ?stav pro v?zkum rud, Mní?ek pod Brdy, I?O 007 927 - RNDr. Eva Pavlíková, RNDr. Petr Peták Pracovník

Antimony ores and concentrates. Determination of gold and silver content

YS/T 433-2001

Silver concentrate

GB/T 25953-2010 有色回收铁

本标准规定了有色金属选矿回收铁精矿(以下简称铁精矿)的要求、检验方法、检验规则、包装、运输和质量预报单及合同(或订货单)内容。 本标准适用于有色金属共生磁性铁矿经选矿分离后回收得到的全铁(TFe)含量不小于55%,供炼铁用的铁精矿

Nonferrous metals mineral processing and iron concentrate recovering

YS/T 3004-2011

本标准规定了金精矿的技术要求、检验方法、检验规则、包装、质量预报单和订货单(或合同)内容。 本标准适用于经浮选所得的金精矿

Gold concentrate

CSN 44 1562-1973 石,有色的取样

Zpracovatel: Ostav pro v?zkum rud, Praha 4 — M. Kvapil Pracovník ??adu pro normalizaci a mě?ení: Rudolf ?ern

Sampling of ores and non-ferrous metal concentrates

YS/T 3004-2021

YB/T 2430-1988

YB 2430-1988

STAS 1314/25-1977 锰.测定铁含量

MANGANESE ORES AND CONCENTRATES Determination of metallic iron content

JUS B.G8.400-1984 .铅

Ores and concentrates. Lead concentrate

STAS 6922-1990 有色石样品制样机

Prezentul standard se refer? la luarea ?i formarea probelor din minereuri ?i concentrate neferoase, ?n vederea verific?rii calit??ii acestora

Non-ferrous ores and concentrates. Sampling and samples forming

JUS B.G8.473-1983 .铜.测定

Ores and concentrates. Copper concentrate Determination of silver and gold contents

JUS B.G8.403-1982 .铅.化学分析方法.测定

Ores and concentrates. Lead concentrates. Methods for hemical analysis. Determination silver and gold content

STAS 12864-1990 有色.氰化碱液.测定

Prezentul standard stabile?te metoda spectrometric? de absorb?ie atomic? pentru determinarea aurului ?i argintului din le?iile de cianura?ie. Metoda

Non-farrous ores and concentrates. Cyanding lyes. Gold and silver determination

CSN 44 1701-1987 砂;有色.一般数据

Schválení ST SEV 314-86 doporu?ilo federální ministerstvo hutnictví a tě?kého strojírenství. Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: Ostav pro

Ores and concentrates of non-ferrous metals. General data for chemical analysis methods

CSN 44 1657-1989 锑砂.黄的测定

Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: ?stav pro v?zkum rud, Mní?ek pod Brdy, I?O 007 927 - RNDr. Eva Pavlíková, RNDr. Petr Peták Pracovník

Antimony ores and concentrates. Determination of gold and silver content

YS/T 433-2001

Silver concentrate

GB/T 25953-2010 有色回收铁

本标准规定了有色金属选矿回收铁精矿(以下简称铁精矿)的要求、检验方法、检验规则、包装、运输和质量预报单及合同(或订货单)内容。 本标准适用于有色金属共生磁性铁矿经选矿分离后回收得到的全铁(TFe)含量不小于55%,供炼铁用的铁精矿

Nonferrous metals mineral processing and iron concentrate recovering

YS/T 3004-2011

本标准规定了金精矿的技术要求、检验方法、检验规则、包装、质量预报单和订货单(或合同)内容。 本标准适用于经浮选所得的金精矿

Gold concentrate

CSN 44 1562-1973 石,有色的取样

Zpracovatel: Ostav pro v?zkum rud, Praha 4 — M. Kvapil Pracovník ??adu pro normalizaci a mě?ení: Rudolf ?ern

Sampling of ores and non-ferrous metal concentrates

YS/T 3004-2021

YB/T 2430-1988

YB 2430-1988

STAS 1314/25-1977 锰.测定铁含量

MANGANESE ORES AND CONCENTRATES Determination of metallic iron content

JUS B.G8.400-1984 .铅

Ores and concentrates. Lead concentrate

STAS 6922-1990 有色石样品制样机

Prezentul standard se refer? la luarea ?i formarea probelor din minereuri ?i concentrate neferoase, ?n vederea verific?rii calit??ii acestora

Non-ferrous ores and concentrates. Sampling and samples forming






