

发布时间:2024-05-27 17:49:26 - 更新时间:2024年06月29日 15:22


军工检测 其他检测

AIR FORCE A-A-59882 A-2011


QB/T 4888-2015 贵金属饰品及尺寸的方法

本标准规定了贵金属饰品及其零部件几何尺寸的测量方法及测量允差。 本标准适用于贵金属饰品(珠宝玉石除外)及其零部件几何尺寸的测量。贵金属制品及其零部件几何尺寸的测量可参照使用

Geometric size measuring methods of precious metal jewellery and accessory

T/SCMES 19-2023 复杂曲面表面完整性装备

本文件规定了工业装备复杂曲面零件表面几何完整性检测装备(以下简称检测装备)的术语和定义、型式与基本参数、要求、检验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输与贮存。 本文件适用于以激光轮廓扫描和机器视觉为主要技术形式的复杂曲面零件表面几何完整性检测装备

Surface geometric integrity testing equipment for complex curved surface parts

CSN 20 0300 Cast.24-1986 精度表面试中轴向偏心率方法

Schválení ST SEV 4586-84 doporu?ilo federální ministerstvo v?eobecného strojírenství. Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: TST - koncernov

Measurements of geometrical accuracy of machine tools. Measuring methods for axial run-out of test part surfaces

EN ISO 8062-3:2023 产品技术规范(GPS).模制尺寸和公差.第3分:铸一般尺寸,公差和加工余

This document specifies general dimensional and geometrical tolerances as well as machining allowance grades for castings using ± tolerances

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings using ± tolerances for indicated dimensions (ISO 8062-3:2023

ISO 8062-3:2007 产品技术规范(GPS).模制尺寸和公差.第3分:铸一般尺寸、公差和加工余

This part of ISO 8062 specifies general dimensional and geometrical tolerances, as well as machining allowance grades, for castings as delivered

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings

EN ISO 8062-3:2007 产品技术规范(GPS).模制尺寸和公差.第3分:铸一般尺寸,公差和加工余

This part of ISO 8062 specifies general dimensional and geometrical tolerances, as well as machining allowance grades, for castings as delivered

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings (ISO 8062-3:2007)

ISO 8062-3:2023 产品技术规范(GPS).模制尺寸和公差.第3分:铸一般尺寸、公差和加工余

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts — Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings using ± tolerances for indicated dimensions

GB/T 39591-2020 产品信息模型通用数据字典

Common data dictionary for geometry inspection quality information model of mechanical product

CSN 20 0300 Cast.27-1986 精度精度变化方法

Schválení ST SEV 4995-85 doporu?ilo federální ministerstvo v?eobecného strojírenství. Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: TST — koncernov

Measurements of geometrical accuracy ofmachine tools.Methods of measurement of variation of

DIN EN ISO 8062-1:2008 产品技术规范(GPS):模压尺寸和公差.第1分:词汇

This part of ISO 8062 establishes a vocabulary of terms and definitions used to describe the features, form and tolerance types when assigning

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 1: Vocabulary (ISO 8062-1:2007); Trilingual version EN ISO 8062-1:2007

SNI 05-1363-1989 压力. 试方法

Mechanical press machines, Geometric test method

NF A00-510-3*NF EN ISO 8062-3:2007 产品技术规范(GPS).模制配的尺寸和公差.第3分:铸的一般尺寸、公差和加工余

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3 : general dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings.

DIN EN ISO 8062-3:2007 产品技术规范(GPS).模制配的尺寸和公差.第3分:铸的一般尺寸、公差和加工余

This part of ISO 8062 specifies general dimensional and geometrical tolerances, as well as machining allowance grades, for castings as delivered

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings (ISO 8062-3:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 8062-3:2007

DS/EN ISO 8062-3/AC:2009 产品规范(GPS) 模制的尺寸和公差 第3分:铸的一般尺寸和公差以及加工余

This part of ISO 8062 specifies general dimensional and geometrical tolerances, as well as machiningallowance grades, for castings as delivered

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings

AIR FORCE A-A-59882 A-2011


QB/T 4888-2015 贵金属饰品及尺寸的方法

本标准规定了贵金属饰品及其零部件几何尺寸的测量方法及测量允差。 本标准适用于贵金属饰品(珠宝玉石除外)及其零部件几何尺寸的测量。贵金属制品及其零部件几何尺寸的测量可参照使用

Geometric size measuring methods of precious metal jewellery and accessory

T/SCMES 19-2023 复杂曲面表面完整性装备

本文件规定了工业装备复杂曲面零件表面几何完整性检测装备(以下简称检测装备)的术语和定义、型式与基本参数、要求、检验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输与贮存。 本文件适用于以激光轮廓扫描和机器视觉为主要技术形式的复杂曲面零件表面几何完整性检测装备

Surface geometric integrity testing equipment for complex curved surface parts

CSN 20 0300 Cast.24-1986 精度表面试中轴向偏心率方法

Schválení ST SEV 4586-84 doporu?ilo federální ministerstvo v?eobecného strojírenství. Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: TST - koncernov

Measurements of geometrical accuracy of machine tools. Measuring methods for axial run-out of test part surfaces

EN ISO 8062-3:2023 产品技术规范(GPS).模制尺寸和公差.第3分:铸一般尺寸,公差和加工余

This document specifies general dimensional and geometrical tolerances as well as machining allowance grades for castings using ± tolerances

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings using ± tolerances for indicated dimensions (ISO 8062-3:2023

ISO 8062-3:2007 产品技术规范(GPS).模制尺寸和公差.第3分:铸一般尺寸、公差和加工余

This part of ISO 8062 specifies general dimensional and geometrical tolerances, as well as machining allowance grades, for castings as delivered

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings

EN ISO 8062-3:2007 产品技术规范(GPS).模制尺寸和公差.第3分:铸一般尺寸,公差和加工余

This part of ISO 8062 specifies general dimensional and geometrical tolerances, as well as machining allowance grades, for castings as delivered

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings (ISO 8062-3:2007)

ISO 8062-3:2023 产品技术规范(GPS).模制尺寸和公差.第3分:铸一般尺寸、公差和加工余

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts — Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings using ± tolerances for indicated dimensions

GB/T 39591-2020 产品信息模型通用数据字典

Common data dictionary for geometry inspection quality information model of mechanical product

CSN 20 0300 Cast.27-1986 精度精度变化方法

Schválení ST SEV 4995-85 doporu?ilo federální ministerstvo v?eobecného strojírenství. Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: TST — koncernov

Measurements of geometrical accuracy ofmachine tools.Methods of measurement of variation of

DIN EN ISO 8062-1:2008 产品技术规范(GPS):模压尺寸和公差.第1分:词汇

This part of ISO 8062 establishes a vocabulary of terms and definitions used to describe the features, form and tolerance types when assigning

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 1: Vocabulary (ISO 8062-1:2007); Trilingual version EN ISO 8062-1:2007

SNI 05-1363-1989 压力. 试方法

Mechanical press machines, Geometric test method

NF A00-510-3*NF EN ISO 8062-3:2007 产品技术规范(GPS).模制配的尺寸和公差.第3分:铸的一般尺寸、公差和加工余

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3 : general dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings.

DIN EN ISO 8062-3:2007 产品技术规范(GPS).模制配的尺寸和公差.第3分:铸的一般尺寸、公差和加工余

This part of ISO 8062 specifies general dimensional and geometrical tolerances, as well as machining allowance grades, for castings as delivered

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings (ISO 8062-3:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 8062-3:2007

DS/EN ISO 8062-3/AC:2009 产品规范(GPS) 模制的尺寸和公差 第3分:铸的一般尺寸和公差以及加工余

This part of ISO 8062 specifies general dimensional and geometrical tolerances, as well as machiningallowance grades, for castings as delivered

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings






