
办公设备 文本装订机检测

发布时间:2024-05-27 17:49:26 - 更新时间:2024年06月29日 15:22


军工检测 其他检测

JB/T 10452-2004 .

本标准规定了办公用文本装订机的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则和标志、包装、运输、贮存的要求。   本标准主要适用于热压式、塑管式、胶圈式、铁圈式、热熔式等常见文本装订机,其他文本装订机可参照执行

Office Equipment Book Binding Machine

JB/T 10452-2018

MNOSZ 10818-1956 室.

CSN ON 90 6520-1962 +)技术补充法规.

DIN 2107:1986 .件制用字符系列

The standard specifies character families as well as according relation of partition basic line distance, and character height (for capitols

Office machines; character families for textpreparation equipment

CKS 672-1988 规范

Covers the requirements for 2 types of general purpose hand-operated staplers (using size 26/6 staples) suitable for use either on a desk top or held

Office staplers

SJ/Z 9137-1987 器与商用

1.1 本标准规定的这些要求适用于通常在办公室或其它商务机构中使用的设备。包括记录仪、照排机、与记录仪和照排机有关的辅助设备,会计计算机、制表机、复印机、打印机、现金出纳机、钉书机、消磁器,以及电动机传送卡片箱。这些设备按照美国国家电气法规NFPA70用于内部导线系统,本标准规定的这些要求,适用于

Office Machines & Business Equipment

CSN 90 6520-1985 书钉以及纸扣钉.基规格

Zpracovatel: Mikulá?ovick? kovopr?mysl, n. p., Mikulá?ovice — J. Suková Oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: Prago-Union, ?stav pro rozvoj a racionalizaci

Staplers and staples, paper fastening, office type. Basic regulations

MNOSZ 5632-1954

DIN 9761:1986 .打印的输纸置.尺寸、控制

Office machines; paper carrier for printers; dimensions, controls

ISO/IEC TR 22981:2020 信息技术..体(词汇、组件和关系)开发指南

Information technology - Office equipment - Guidelines for the development of an ontology (vocabulary, components and relationships) for office equipment

0 .传真复印.第2部分:基要求

DIN EN 50564:2011 电器及电子家用和.低功耗的测量(IEC 62301-2011修).德版 EN 50564-2011

Electrical and electronic household and office equipment - Measurement of low power consumption (IEC 62301:2011, modified); German version EN 50564:2011

SFS 5266-1987 用品.便签簿.形式

T?ss? standardissa esitet??n aluspahvillisten lehti?iden nidetyyppimerkinn?t

SIS SS-ISO 8613-4:1989 信息处理.-系统.件创建(ODA)与格式互换.第4部分:

The purpose of ISO 8613 is to facilitate the interchange of documents. In the context of ISO 8613, documents are considered to be items

Information processing — Text and office systems — Office document architecture (ODA) and interchange format — Part 4: Document profile

JB/T 10452-2004 .

本标准规定了办公用文本装订机的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则和标志、包装、运输、贮存的要求。   本标准主要适用于热压式、塑管式、胶圈式、铁圈式、热熔式等常见文本装订机,其他文本装订机可参照执行

Office Equipment Book Binding Machine

JB/T 10452-2018

MNOSZ 10818-1956 室.

CSN ON 90 6520-1962 +)技术补充法规.

DIN 2107:1986 .件制用字符系列

The standard specifies character families as well as according relation of partition basic line distance, and character height (for capitols

Office machines; character families for textpreparation equipment

CKS 672-1988 规范

Covers the requirements for 2 types of general purpose hand-operated staplers (using size 26/6 staples) suitable for use either on a desk top or held

Office staplers

SJ/Z 9137-1987 器与商用

1.1 本标准规定的这些要求适用于通常在办公室或其它商务机构中使用的设备。包括记录仪、照排机、与记录仪和照排机有关的辅助设备,会计计算机、制表机、复印机、打印机、现金出纳机、钉书机、消磁器,以及电动机传送卡片箱。这些设备按照美国国家电气法规NFPA70用于内部导线系统,本标准规定的这些要求,适用于

Office Machines & Business Equipment

CSN 90 6520-1985 书钉以及纸扣钉.基规格

Zpracovatel: Mikulá?ovick? kovopr?mysl, n. p., Mikulá?ovice — J. Suková Oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: Prago-Union, ?stav pro rozvoj a racionalizaci

Staplers and staples, paper fastening, office type. Basic regulations

MNOSZ 5632-1954

DIN 9761:1986 .打印的输纸置.尺寸、控制

Office machines; paper carrier for printers; dimensions, controls

ISO/IEC TR 22981:2020 信息技术..体(词汇、组件和关系)开发指南

Information technology - Office equipment - Guidelines for the development of an ontology (vocabulary, components and relationships) for office equipment

0 .传真复印.第2部分:基要求

DIN EN 50564:2011 电器及电子家用和.低功耗的测量(IEC 62301-2011修).德版 EN 50564-2011

Electrical and electronic household and office equipment - Measurement of low power consumption (IEC 62301:2011, modified); German version EN 50564:2011

SFS 5266-1987 用品.便签簿.形式

T?ss? standardissa esitet??n aluspahvillisten lehti?iden nidetyyppimerkinn?t

SIS SS-ISO 8613-4:1989 信息处理.-系统.件创建(ODA)与格式互换.第4部分:

The purpose of ISO 8613 is to facilitate the interchange of documents. In the context of ISO 8613, documents are considered to be items

Information processing — Text and office systems — Office document architecture (ODA) and interchange format — Part 4: Document profile






