

发布时间:2024-05-27 17:49:26 - 更新时间:2024年06月29日 15:22


军工检测 其他检测

AS 61850.2:2005 .词汇表

Provides users and manufacturers of substation automation equipment with a glossary of terms

Communication networks and systems in substations - Glossary

DL/Z 860.2-2006 .第2部分:术语

DL/T 860标准本部分适用于变电站自动化系统,定义了变电站中智能电子设备间通信和相关系统要求。 DL/T 860标准本部分内容列出了本系列标准内变电站自动化系统所用术语和定义

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 2: Glossary

DL/Z 860.1-2004 .第1部分: 概论

本部分适用于變电站自動化系統,它定義了變电站內智能也sk設備之間的通信和相關的系統要求。 本部分介绍和概述了本标准系列,它 bn 他部分的文字内容和图

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 1: Introduction and overview

DL/T 860.3-2004 .第3部分: 总体要求

本部分适用于变电站自动化系统 (SAS),它定义了站内智能电子设备 (IED) 之間的通信及相關 的系统要求。 本部分属于通信网络的总体要求,重点是质量要求。它也述及环境条件和供电要求的指导方针, 根据其他标准和规范,对相关的特定要求提出了建议

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 3: General requirements

GOST R 54325-2011 第2部分词汇表

Communication networks and systems in substation. Part 2. Glossary

DL/T 860.10-2006 第10部分: 一致性测试


Communication networks and systems in substations Part 10 Conformance testing

EN 61850-3:2002 第3部分:一般要求

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 3: General requirements

DL/T 860.4-2004 .第4部分: 项目管理

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 4: System and project management

DS/EN 61850-10:2005 第10部分:一致性测试

This part of 61850 specifies standard techniques for testing of conformance of implementations, as well as specific measurement techniques

Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 10: Conformance testing

KS C IEC 61850-4-2005(2017 第4部分:项目管理

Communication networks and systems in substations-Part 4:System and project management

AS 61850.7.1:2005 馈线设备基本结构.原子模型

Provides users and manufacturers of substation automation equipment with assistance to understand the basic modelling concepts and description methods

Communication networks and systems in substations - Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment - Principles and models

AS 61850.7.3:2005 馈线设备基本结构.公用数据类

Provides users and manufacturers of substation automation equipment with specification of common attribute types and common data classes related

Communication networks and systems in substations - Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment - Common data classes

AS 61850.7.2:2005 馈线设备基本结构.抽象服务接口(ACSI)

Provides users and manufacturers of substation automation equipment with a definition of the abstract communication service interface (ACSI) for use

Communication networks and systems in substations - Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment - Abstract communication service interface (ACSI)

DL/T 860.5-2006 第5部分:功能的要求装置模型

DL/T 860系列标准本部分适用于变电站自动化系统,规定了智能电子设备之间的通信和相关系统的要求。 本部分规定了变电站自动化系统所完成功能的通信要求和装置模型,辨别所有己知的功能和通信要求。 功能的描述并不是用于功能标准化,而是用于辨别技术服务和变电站之间、变电站内智能

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models

AS 61850.5:2005 .关于功能设备型号的公式要求

Provides users and manufacturers of substation automation equipment with specifications for the communication requirements of the functions being

Communication networks and systems in substations - Communication requirements for functions and device models

AS 61850.2:2005 .词汇表

Provides users and manufacturers of substation automation equipment with a glossary of terms

Communication networks and systems in substations - Glossary

DL/Z 860.2-2006 .第2部分:术语

DL/T 860标准本部分适用于变电站自动化系统,定义了变电站中智能电子设备间通信和相关系统要求。 DL/T 860标准本部分内容列出了本系列标准内变电站自动化系统所用术语和定义

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 2: Glossary

DL/Z 860.1-2004 .第1部分: 概论

本部分适用于變电站自動化系統,它定義了變电站內智能也sk設備之間的通信和相關的系統要求。 本部分介绍和概述了本标准系列,它 bn 他部分的文字内容和图

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 1: Introduction and overview

DL/T 860.3-2004 .第3部分: 总体要求

本部分适用于变电站自动化系统 (SAS),它定义了站内智能电子设备 (IED) 之間的通信及相關 的系统要求。 本部分属于通信网络的总体要求,重点是质量要求。它也述及环境条件和供电要求的指导方针, 根据其他标准和规范,对相关的特定要求提出了建议

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 3: General requirements

GOST R 54325-2011 第2部分词汇表

Communication networks and systems in substation. Part 2. Glossary

DL/T 860.10-2006 第10部分: 一致性测试


Communication networks and systems in substations Part 10 Conformance testing

EN 61850-3:2002 第3部分:一般要求

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 3: General requirements

DL/T 860.4-2004 .第4部分: 项目管理

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 4: System and project management

DS/EN 61850-10:2005 第10部分:一致性测试

This part of 61850 specifies standard techniques for testing of conformance of implementations, as well as specific measurement techniques

Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 10: Conformance testing

KS C IEC 61850-4-2005(2017 第4部分:项目管理

Communication networks and systems in substations-Part 4:System and project management

AS 61850.7.1:2005 馈线设备基本结构.原子模型

Provides users and manufacturers of substation automation equipment with assistance to understand the basic modelling concepts and description methods

Communication networks and systems in substations - Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment - Principles and models

AS 61850.7.3:2005 馈线设备基本结构.公用数据类

Provides users and manufacturers of substation automation equipment with specification of common attribute types and common data classes related

Communication networks and systems in substations - Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment - Common data classes

AS 61850.7.2:2005 馈线设备基本结构.抽象服务接口(ACSI)

Provides users and manufacturers of substation automation equipment with a definition of the abstract communication service interface (ACSI) for use

Communication networks and systems in substations - Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment - Abstract communication service interface (ACSI)

DL/T 860.5-2006 第5部分:功能的要求装置模型

DL/T 860系列标准本部分适用于变电站自动化系统,规定了智能电子设备之间的通信和相关系统的要求。 本部分规定了变电站自动化系统所完成功能的通信要求和装置模型,辨别所有己知的功能和通信要求。 功能的描述并不是用于功能标准化,而是用于辨别技术服务和变电站之间、变电站内智能

Communication networks and systems in substations Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models

AS 61850.5:2005 .关于功能设备型号的公式要求

Provides users and manufacturers of substation automation equipment with specifications for the communication requirements of the functions being

Communication networks and systems in substations - Communication requirements for functions and device models






