发布时间:2024-05-27 17:49:26 - 更新时间:2024年06月29日 15:22
Nutrient media. Meat water (for veterinary purposes). Specifications
Nutrient media. Meat-pepton broth (for veterinary). Specifications
Fertilizers. Determination of the complexed micro-nutrient content and of the complexed fraction of micro-nutrients
Multi-minerals nutritious rice
桃源县富硒产品研究所研发,湖南古洞春茶业有限公司生产的“多矿物质营养茶”,经谱尼测试集团上海公司和湖南省食品测试分析中心检测,四个茶叶检测结果平均:硒1.227mg/kg、铬0.464mg/kg、钼0.149mg/kg、锌45.73mg/kg、铁313.6 mg/kg、锶4.928mg
Multi-minerals big-leaf tea
“生物转素法” 是指运用生物工程技术原理,利用植物作污染天然的生化反应器, 通 过叶面补施多贵西牌多功能型贵西牌叶面肥,促进生物将硒、铬、锌、铁、钼、锶等元素转 化为有机营养元素的方法。根据这个方法,通过水稻的生理生化作用,将硒、铬、锌、铁、 钼、锶、等矿物质营养元素
Regulations for the cultivation technology of multi- minerals nutritious rice
COMMISSION DECISION adopting a list of materials whose circulation or use for animal nutrition purposes is prohibited
Fertilzers - Fertilizers for mineral nutrient solutions - Designations and specifications.
Fertilizers. Fertilizers for mineral nutrient solutions. Designations and specifications.
Products diet therapeutic and preventive nutrition diet. Complexes vitamin-mineral in clinical nutrition. Specification
Chapter 15 Vitamins, Minerals and Parenteral and Enteral Nutritional Drugs Section 2 Minerals and Trace Elements Iodides
Chapter 15 Vitamins, Minerals and Parenteral and Enteral Nutritional Drugs Section 2 Minerals and Trace Elements Calcium Chloride
Chapter 15 Vitamins, Minerals and Parenteral and Enteral Nutritional Drugs Section 2 Minerals and Trace Elements Sodium Fluoride
Nutrient media. Meat water (for veterinary purposes). Specifications
Nutrient media. Meat-pepton broth (for veterinary). Specifications
Fertilizers. Determination of the complexed micro-nutrient content and of the complexed fraction of micro-nutrients
Multi-minerals nutritious rice
桃源县富硒产品研究所研发,湖南古洞春茶业有限公司生产的“多矿物质营养茶”,经谱尼测试集团上海公司和湖南省食品测试分析中心检测,四个茶叶检测结果平均:硒1.227mg/kg、铬0.464mg/kg、钼0.149mg/kg、锌45.73mg/kg、铁313.6 mg/kg、锶4.928mg
Multi-minerals big-leaf tea
“生物转素法” 是指运用生物工程技术原理,利用植物作污染天然的生化反应器, 通 过叶面补施多贵西牌多功能型贵西牌叶面肥,促进生物将硒、铬、锌、铁、钼、锶等元素转 化为有机营养元素的方法。根据这个方法,通过水稻的生理生化作用,将硒、铬、锌、铁、 钼、锶、等矿物质营养元素
Regulations for the cultivation technology of multi- minerals nutritious rice
COMMISSION DECISION adopting a list of materials whose circulation or use for animal nutrition purposes is prohibited
Fertilzers - Fertilizers for mineral nutrient solutions - Designations and specifications.
Fertilizers. Fertilizers for mineral nutrient solutions. Designations and specifications.
Products diet therapeutic and preventive nutrition diet. Complexes vitamin-mineral in clinical nutrition. Specification
Chapter 15 Vitamins, Minerals and Parenteral and Enteral Nutritional Drugs Section 2 Minerals and Trace Elements Iodides
Chapter 15 Vitamins, Minerals and Parenteral and Enteral Nutritional Drugs Section 2 Minerals and Trace Elements Calcium Chloride
Chapter 15 Vitamins, Minerals and Parenteral and Enteral Nutritional Drugs Section 2 Minerals and Trace Elements Sodium Fluoride