

发布时间:2024-05-27 17:49:26 - 更新时间:2024年06月29日 15:22


军工检测 其他检测

T/SXQCA 001-2021 事故现 收贮技术规范


On-site disposal of radiation accidents- Technical specification for radioactive source collection and storage

T/GXAS 347-2022 诊疗环境监测技术规范

本文件界定了放射诊疗场所辐射环境监测技术所涉及的术语和定义,规定了基本要求、监测技术要求、质量控制。 本文件适用于放射诊疗场所辐射环境的监测

Technical specification for radiation environment monitoring in radiation diagnosis and treatment places

T/CNSCPA 003-2023 Ⅳ、Ⅴ类Ⅲ类线项目安全许可审评技术指南


Standard Review Plans for Radiation Safety License of Category Ⅳ, Ⅴ Radioactive sources and Category Ⅲ Irradiation Devices

T/CIRA 5-2019 性药物生产安全设计要求

除标准规范要求的目的范围、引用标准、术语等通用要求外,本规范包括了以下主要内容: 1、选址和厂房的基本要求,明确了周边不宜和不应有的企业和区域,为今后运行避免不必要的纠纷;从设计的可行性方面对厂房进行了基本要求。 2、明确了此类设计的一般要求,如:职业照射、公众照射的剂量约束等,对设计中废液排放

Radiation safety design requirements for radioacitve drug production sites

BS EN 14255-1:2005 对处于断续光中的人体测量和评定.工作中人工的紫外线

This document specifies procedures for the measurement and assessment of personal exposures to ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by artificial

Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation - Ultraviolet radiation emitted by artifical sources in the workplace

IEC 62401:2007 防.性物质非法运输检测用人体报警(PRD)

This International Standard applies to alarming radiation detection instruments that are pocket-sized, carried on the body and used to detect

Radiation protection instrumentation - Alarming personal radiation devices (PRD) for detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material

IEC 62401:2017 防.性物质非法运输检测用人体报警(PRDs)

This document applies to alarming radiation detection instruments that are pocket-sized, carried on the body and used to detect and indicate

Radiation protection instrumentation - Alarming personal radiation devices (PRDs) for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material

GA 1002-2012 剧毒化学品、治安防范要求

本标准规定了剧毒化学品、放射源存放场所(部位)风险等级划分与治安防范级别、治安防范要求和管理要求。 本标准适用于剧毒化学品、放射源存放场所(部位)治安防范系统设计、建设、验收和管理。 本标准不适用于豁免放射源存放场所(部位

Public security protection requirements for hypertoxic chemicals and radioactive sources storage site

ASTM D5608-01 用于低性废弃物设备净化用标准实施规程

1.1 This practice covers the decontamination of field equipment used in the sampling of soils, soil gas, sludges, surface water, and ground water

Standard Practice for Decontamination of Field Equipment Used at Low Level Radioactive Waste Sites

ASTM D5608-01(2006 用于低性废弃物设备净化用标准实施规程

The primary objectives of work at low-level radioactive waste sites are the protection of personnel, prevention of the spread

Standard Practices for Decontamination of Field Equipment Used at Low Level Radioactive Waste Sites

BS EN 14255-2:2005 暴露在非相干光中的人体测量和评定.第2部分:工作中人工的可见和红外线

This European Standard specifies procedures for the measurement and assessment of personal exposures to visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) radiation

Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation - Part 2: Visible and infrared radiation emitted by artificial sources in the workplace

GOST 23649-1979 封闭式电离.标志包,运输和保管

Sealed radiation sources. Marking, packing, transporting and storing

T/BSRS 059-2021 生产单位贮水井安全要求


Radiation Safety Requirements for Storage Wells of Radioactive Sources Production Acilities

DB32/T 3907-2020 诊疗工作外照在线监测系统设规范

Specifications for setting up online monitoring system for external radiation in radiological diagnosis and treatment workplaces

SNI 16-7060-2004 工作紫外线检测

The measurement of ultraviolet ray radiation at work places

T/SXQCA 001-2021 事故现 收贮技术规范


On-site disposal of radiation accidents- Technical specification for radioactive source collection and storage

T/GXAS 347-2022 诊疗环境监测技术规范

本文件界定了放射诊疗场所辐射环境监测技术所涉及的术语和定义,规定了基本要求、监测技术要求、质量控制。 本文件适用于放射诊疗场所辐射环境的监测

Technical specification for radiation environment monitoring in radiation diagnosis and treatment places

T/CNSCPA 003-2023 Ⅳ、Ⅴ类Ⅲ类线项目安全许可审评技术指南


Standard Review Plans for Radiation Safety License of Category Ⅳ, Ⅴ Radioactive sources and Category Ⅲ Irradiation Devices

T/CIRA 5-2019 性药物生产安全设计要求

除标准规范要求的目的范围、引用标准、术语等通用要求外,本规范包括了以下主要内容: 1、选址和厂房的基本要求,明确了周边不宜和不应有的企业和区域,为今后运行避免不必要的纠纷;从设计的可行性方面对厂房进行了基本要求。 2、明确了此类设计的一般要求,如:职业照射、公众照射的剂量约束等,对设计中废液排放

Radiation safety design requirements for radioacitve drug production sites

BS EN 14255-1:2005 对处于断续光中的人体测量和评定.工作中人工的紫外线

This document specifies procedures for the measurement and assessment of personal exposures to ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by artificial

Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation - Ultraviolet radiation emitted by artifical sources in the workplace

IEC 62401:2007 防.性物质非法运输检测用人体报警(PRD)

This International Standard applies to alarming radiation detection instruments that are pocket-sized, carried on the body and used to detect

Radiation protection instrumentation - Alarming personal radiation devices (PRD) for detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material

IEC 62401:2017 防.性物质非法运输检测用人体报警(PRDs)

This document applies to alarming radiation detection instruments that are pocket-sized, carried on the body and used to detect and indicate

Radiation protection instrumentation - Alarming personal radiation devices (PRDs) for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material

GA 1002-2012 剧毒化学品、治安防范要求

本标准规定了剧毒化学品、放射源存放场所(部位)风险等级划分与治安防范级别、治安防范要求和管理要求。 本标准适用于剧毒化学品、放射源存放场所(部位)治安防范系统设计、建设、验收和管理。 本标准不适用于豁免放射源存放场所(部位

Public security protection requirements for hypertoxic chemicals and radioactive sources storage site

ASTM D5608-01 用于低性废弃物设备净化用标准实施规程

1.1 This practice covers the decontamination of field equipment used in the sampling of soils, soil gas, sludges, surface water, and ground water

Standard Practice for Decontamination of Field Equipment Used at Low Level Radioactive Waste Sites

ASTM D5608-01(2006 用于低性废弃物设备净化用标准实施规程

The primary objectives of work at low-level radioactive waste sites are the protection of personnel, prevention of the spread

Standard Practices for Decontamination of Field Equipment Used at Low Level Radioactive Waste Sites

BS EN 14255-2:2005 暴露在非相干光中的人体测量和评定.第2部分:工作中人工的可见和红外线

This European Standard specifies procedures for the measurement and assessment of personal exposures to visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) radiation

Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation - Part 2: Visible and infrared radiation emitted by artificial sources in the workplace

GOST 23649-1979 封闭式电离.标志包,运输和保管

Sealed radiation sources. Marking, packing, transporting and storing

T/BSRS 059-2021 生产单位贮水井安全要求


Radiation Safety Requirements for Storage Wells of Radioactive Sources Production Acilities

DB32/T 3907-2020 诊疗工作外照在线监测系统设规范

Specifications for setting up online monitoring system for external radiation in radiological diagnosis and treatment workplaces

SNI 16-7060-2004 工作紫外线检测

The measurement of ultraviolet ray radiation at work places






