

发布时间:2024-05-27 17:49:26 - 更新时间:2024年06月29日 15:22


军工检测 其他检测

GB 19432-2009 检验安全规范

本标准规定了危险货物大包装的分类、要求、代码和标记、性能检验和使用鉴定。 本标准适用于危险货物大包装的检验和鉴定

Safety code for inspection of large packagings for dangerous goods

GB 19432.1-2004 检验安全规范 通则

本标准规定了危险货物大包装的分类、要求、抽样、代码和标记及检验规则。 本标准适用于危险货物大包装的检验

Safty code for inspection of large packagings for dangerous goods-General specifications

GB 19432.3-2004 检验安全规范 使用鉴定

本标准规定了危险货物大包装检验使用鉴定的定义、要求、抽样、鉴定和鉴定规则。 本标准适用于危险货物大包装的使用鉴定

Stfty code for inspection of large packagings for dangerous goods-Use appraisal

GB 19432.2-2004 检验安全规范 性能检验

本标准规定了危险货物大包装的要求、试验和检验规则。 本标准适用于危险货物大包装的性能检验

Safty code for inspection of large packagings for dangerous goods-Performance tests

SN/T 1936.1-2007 出口检验方法 第1部分:总则

SN/T 1936 的本部分规定了出口危险货物大包装的分类、要求、抽样、代码和标记及检验规则。 本部分适用于出口危险货物大包装的检验

Inspection rules of large packagings for export dangerous goods.Part 1: General specification

SN/T 1936.3-2007 出口检验方法 第3部分:使用鉴定

SN/T 1936的本部分规定了出口危险货物大包装检验使用鉴定的要求、抽样、鉴定和鉴定规则。 本部分适用于出口危险货物大包装的使用鉴定

Inspection rules of large packagings for export dangerous goods.Part 3: Use appraisal

SN/T 1936.2-2007 出口检验方法 第2部分:性能检验

SN/T 1936 的本部分规定了出口危险货物大包装的定义、要求、试验和检验规则。 本部分适用于出口危险货物大包装的性能检验

Inspection rules of large packagings for export dangerous goods.Part 2: Performance tests

SN/T 4478-2016 运输 及中型散容器和 ISO 9001实用指南

GB/T 27865-2011 .、中型散容器、.GB/T 19001的应用指南

对于制造、测量和监视设计型式经批准的危险货物包装(packagings)、中型散装容器(intermediate bulk containers, IBCs)及大包装(large packagings, LP),本标准规定了其适用的质量管理规定的指南。 本标准并非一个孤立的标准,只准许与GB/T

Packaging for dangerous goods.Packagings,intermediate bulk containers and large packagings.Guidelines for the application of GB/T 19001

GOST 26319-1984 .

Dangerous cargo. Package

GOST 26319-2020

Dangerous goods. Packaging

ISO 16106:2020 运输. 中型散箱和.ISO 9001应用指南

Transport packages for dangerous goods — Dangerous goods packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings — Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001

DS/EN ISO 16106:2006 运输” “、中型散容器(IBC)和” “ISO 9001 应用指南”

This standard gives guidance on quality management provisions applicable to the manufacture, measuring and monitoring of design type approved

Packaging – Transport packages for dangerous goods – Dangerous goods packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings – Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001

EN ISO 16106:2020 .品运输.,中间散容器(IBCs)和 ISO 9001应用指南

This document gives guidance on the application of a quality management system in the manufacture, measuring and monitoring of design type approved

Transport packages for dangerous goods - Dangerous goods packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 (ISO 16106:2020)

EN ISO 16106:2006 .品运输.,中间散容器(IBCs)和 ISO 9001应用指南

This International Standard gives guidance on quality management provisions applicable to the manufacture,measuring and monitoring of design type

Packaging - Transport packages for dangerous goods - Dangerous goods packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 (ISO 16106:2006)

GB 19432-2009 检验安全规范

本标准规定了危险货物大包装的分类、要求、代码和标记、性能检验和使用鉴定。 本标准适用于危险货物大包装的检验和鉴定

Safety code for inspection of large packagings for dangerous goods

GB 19432.1-2004 检验安全规范 通则

本标准规定了危险货物大包装的分类、要求、抽样、代码和标记及检验规则。 本标准适用于危险货物大包装的检验

Safty code for inspection of large packagings for dangerous goods-General specifications

GB 19432.3-2004 检验安全规范 使用鉴定

本标准规定了危险货物大包装检验使用鉴定的定义、要求、抽样、鉴定和鉴定规则。 本标准适用于危险货物大包装的使用鉴定

Stfty code for inspection of large packagings for dangerous goods-Use appraisal

GB 19432.2-2004 检验安全规范 性能检验

本标准规定了危险货物大包装的要求、试验和检验规则。 本标准适用于危险货物大包装的性能检验

Safty code for inspection of large packagings for dangerous goods-Performance tests

SN/T 1936.1-2007 出口检验方法 第1部分:总则

SN/T 1936 的本部分规定了出口危险货物大包装的分类、要求、抽样、代码和标记及检验规则。 本部分适用于出口危险货物大包装的检验

Inspection rules of large packagings for export dangerous goods.Part 1: General specification

SN/T 1936.3-2007 出口检验方法 第3部分:使用鉴定

SN/T 1936的本部分规定了出口危险货物大包装检验使用鉴定的要求、抽样、鉴定和鉴定规则。 本部分适用于出口危险货物大包装的使用鉴定

Inspection rules of large packagings for export dangerous goods.Part 3: Use appraisal

SN/T 1936.2-2007 出口检验方法 第2部分:性能检验

SN/T 1936 的本部分规定了出口危险货物大包装的定义、要求、试验和检验规则。 本部分适用于出口危险货物大包装的性能检验

Inspection rules of large packagings for export dangerous goods.Part 2: Performance tests

SN/T 4478-2016 运输 及中型散容器和 ISO 9001实用指南

GB/T 27865-2011 .、中型散容器、.GB/T 19001的应用指南

对于制造、测量和监视设计型式经批准的危险货物包装(packagings)、中型散装容器(intermediate bulk containers, IBCs)及大包装(large packagings, LP),本标准规定了其适用的质量管理规定的指南。 本标准并非一个孤立的标准,只准许与GB/T

Packaging for dangerous goods.Packagings,intermediate bulk containers and large packagings.Guidelines for the application of GB/T 19001

GOST 26319-1984 .

Dangerous cargo. Package

GOST 26319-2020

Dangerous goods. Packaging

ISO 16106:2020 运输. 中型散箱和.ISO 9001应用指南

Transport packages for dangerous goods — Dangerous goods packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings — Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001

DS/EN ISO 16106:2006 运输” “、中型散容器(IBC)和” “ISO 9001 应用指南”

This standard gives guidance on quality management provisions applicable to the manufacture, measuring and monitoring of design type approved

Packaging – Transport packages for dangerous goods – Dangerous goods packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings – Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001

EN ISO 16106:2020 .品运输.,中间散容器(IBCs)和 ISO 9001应用指南

This document gives guidance on the application of a quality management system in the manufacture, measuring and monitoring of design type approved

Transport packages for dangerous goods - Dangerous goods packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 (ISO 16106:2020)

EN ISO 16106:2006 .品运输.,中间散容器(IBCs)和 ISO 9001应用指南

This International Standard gives guidance on quality management provisions applicable to the manufacture,measuring and monitoring of design type

Packaging - Transport packages for dangerous goods - Dangerous goods packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 (ISO 16106:2006)






