发布时间:2024-05-27 17:49:26 - 更新时间:2024年06月29日 15:22
General specifications for measuring resistance equipments Part 2: power frequency earth resistance testers
General Specifications for Resistance Measuring Devices Part 2: Power Frequency Grounding Resistance Tester
Earth-Continuity Testers
本标准规定了接地导通电阻测试仪的术语和定义、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和储存。 本标准适用于模拟式和数字式交/直流接地导通电阻测试仪,也适用于兼有测量其它参量仪器的接地导通电阻测量部分。 本标准不适用于测量接地导体与大地之间电阻的接地电阻表及相似用途的接地电阻表
Earth continuity tester
本规范规定了接地导通电阻测试仪的要求、试验方法、检验规则、包装、标志、运输和贮存。 本规范适用于接地导通电阻测试仪(以下简称“测试仪”),以及安全性能综合测试仪的接地导通电阻部分
General specification of earth coninuity tester
Power Frequency GroundImpedance Testers for Large Grounding Grid
本标准适用于内装有电池之电位差计和携带用压降式接地电阻测试计而具有测定 1000 Ω 以下之接地电阻之能力者
Earth Testers
Power frequency ground resistance measurement for poles & towers
Verification Regulation of Clamp Earth Eesistance Meters
本标准规定了回路电阻测试仪与直流电阻快速测试仪的计量性能、通用技术要求、计量器具控制和检定周期。 本标准适用于测量电阻上限为20000μΩ,测量直流电流不低于100A的回路电阻测试仪和测量电阻上限为2O0mΩ~2000Ω,对应测量直流电流50A~0.001A的直流电阻快速测试仪的
Verification regulation of loop resistance tester and DC resistance high-speed tester
Verification Regulation of Loop Resistance Tester and DC Resistance Meters
本标准规定了直流低电阻测试仪的基本参数、技术要求、试验方法和检验规则。 本标准适用于直流低电阻测试仪表(包括指针式仪表和数字式仪表
D.C. low resistance tester
Tester for direct current low-resistence
Practical test methods and techniques are presented for measuring the electrical characteristics of grounding systems. Topics addressed include safety
IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Grounding System
Practical test methods and techniques are presented for measuring the electrical characteristics of grounding systems. Topics addressed include safety
IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Grounding System
General specifications for measuring resistance equipments Part 2: power frequency earth resistance testers
General Specifications for Resistance Measuring Devices Part 2: Power Frequency Grounding Resistance Tester
Earth-Continuity Testers
本标准规定了接地导通电阻测试仪的术语和定义、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和储存。 本标准适用于模拟式和数字式交/直流接地导通电阻测试仪,也适用于兼有测量其它参量仪器的接地导通电阻测量部分。 本标准不适用于测量接地导体与大地之间电阻的接地电阻表及相似用途的接地电阻表
Earth continuity tester
本规范规定了接地导通电阻测试仪的要求、试验方法、检验规则、包装、标志、运输和贮存。 本规范适用于接地导通电阻测试仪(以下简称“测试仪”),以及安全性能综合测试仪的接地导通电阻部分
General specification of earth coninuity tester
Power Frequency GroundImpedance Testers for Large Grounding Grid
本标准适用于内装有电池之电位差计和携带用压降式接地电阻测试计而具有测定 1000 Ω 以下之接地电阻之能力者
Earth Testers
Power frequency ground resistance measurement for poles & towers
Verification Regulation of Clamp Earth Eesistance Meters
本标准规定了回路电阻测试仪与直流电阻快速测试仪的计量性能、通用技术要求、计量器具控制和检定周期。 本标准适用于测量电阻上限为20000μΩ,测量直流电流不低于100A的回路电阻测试仪和测量电阻上限为2O0mΩ~2000Ω,对应测量直流电流50A~0.001A的直流电阻快速测试仪的
Verification regulation of loop resistance tester and DC resistance high-speed tester
Verification Regulation of Loop Resistance Tester and DC Resistance Meters
本标准规定了直流低电阻测试仪的基本参数、技术要求、试验方法和检验规则。 本标准适用于直流低电阻测试仪表(包括指针式仪表和数字式仪表
D.C. low resistance tester
Tester for direct current low-resistence
Practical test methods and techniques are presented for measuring the electrical characteristics of grounding systems. Topics addressed include safety
IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Grounding System
Practical test methods and techniques are presented for measuring the electrical characteristics of grounding systems. Topics addressed include safety
IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Grounding System