

发布时间:2023-07-20 07:37:28


军工检测 其他检测

ASHRAE NY-08-059-2008 物和非物的器具分类学

Appliances Taxonomy Across Both Domestic and Nondomestic Building Sectors

GB 50368-2005 规范

本规范适用于城镇住宅的建设、使用和维护。 本规范的规定为对住宅的基本要求。当与法律、行政法规的规定抵触时,应按法律、行政法规的规定执行

Residential building code

NEN 1087-1975 的通风要求

Ventilatie van woongebouwen Eisen

CD DOMESTIC-2007 标准(光盘)

Domestic Building Standards CD

JGJ 242-2011 电气设计规范


Code for electrical design of residential buildings

DB37/T 5213-2022 百年设计规程

本规程适用于抗震设防烈度 8 度及 8 度以下地区的新建百年住宅钢筋混凝土建筑设计

Centennial Residential Architecture Design Regulations

UNI 7961-1979 .内部门.分级

Scopo della presente norma è di fornire la classificazione dei tipi di porte interne usate nell'edilizia residenziale, in vista di future norme

UNI 11404-2021 用玻璃 外观

Glass for residential building applications - Appearance

NZS 4220:1982 非物的节能

1.1 This Standard sets out three objectives: (a) To identify appropriate, achievable target energy budgets, for use by either designers

Code of practice for ENERGY CONSERVATION IN NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (Incorporating Erratum: 1983)

AS 6001:1999 的工作平台

Sets out requirements for working platforms and their supporting structures used in the construction of housing, which includes new construction

Working platforms for housing construction

GB/T 50100-2001 模数协调标准

本标准适用于: 1.制定住宅建筑设计中的建筑、结构、设备、电气等专业技术文件及它们之间的尺寸协调原则; 2.确定住宅建筑中所采用的部件或组合件(如设备、家具、装饰制品)等需要协调的尺寸; 3.编制住宅各功能部位,如厨房、卫生间、隔墙、门窗、楼梯等专项模数协调标准

Standard for modular coordination of residential buildings

NEN 2320-1988 的面积和体积

Deze norm geeft termen, definities en de wijze van bepaling van de terreinoppervlakte voor gebouwen en van de vloeroppervlakten en inhouden van

Areas and volumes of residential buildings and dwellings

NEN 2687-1989 的漏气性.要求

De norm is bedoeld te worden toegepast op nieuwbouwwoningen. Opmerking De norm kan ook van toepassing worden verklaard op renovatiewoningen. Evenwel

Air leakage of dwellings - Requirements-

UNI 7960-1979 .内部分区.术语

Scopo della norma è di fornire una definizione dell'unità tecnologica di partizione interna e degli elementi tecnici che la compongono

Housing. Internal partitions. Terminology.

IS 4648-1968 电气布局指南

1.1 This guide prescribes, for single family dwellings, the electrical installations needed to provide satisfactory facilities by the use

ASHRAE NY-08-059-2008 物和非物的器具分类学

Appliances Taxonomy Across Both Domestic and Nondomestic Building Sectors

GB 50368-2005 规范

本规范适用于城镇住宅的建设、使用和维护。 本规范的规定为对住宅的基本要求。当与法律、行政法规的规定抵触时,应按法律、行政法规的规定执行

Residential building code

NEN 1087-1975 的通风要求

Ventilatie van woongebouwen Eisen

CD DOMESTIC-2007 标准(光盘)

Domestic Building Standards CD

JGJ 242-2011 电气设计规范


Code for electrical design of residential buildings

DB37/T 5213-2022 百年设计规程

本规程适用于抗震设防烈度 8 度及 8 度以下地区的新建百年住宅钢筋混凝土建筑设计

Centennial Residential Architecture Design Regulations

UNI 7961-1979 .内部门.分级

Scopo della presente norma è di fornire la classificazione dei tipi di porte interne usate nell'edilizia residenziale, in vista di future norme

UNI 11404-2021 用玻璃 外观

Glass for residential building applications - Appearance

NZS 4220:1982 非物的节能

1.1 This Standard sets out three objectives: (a) To identify appropriate, achievable target energy budgets, for use by either designers

Code of practice for ENERGY CONSERVATION IN NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (Incorporating Erratum: 1983)

AS 6001:1999 的工作平台

Sets out requirements for working platforms and their supporting structures used in the construction of housing, which includes new construction

Working platforms for housing construction

GB/T 50100-2001 模数协调标准

本标准适用于: 1.制定住宅建筑设计中的建筑、结构、设备、电气等专业技术文件及它们之间的尺寸协调原则; 2.确定住宅建筑中所采用的部件或组合件(如设备、家具、装饰制品)等需要协调的尺寸; 3.编制住宅各功能部位,如厨房、卫生间、隔墙、门窗、楼梯等专项模数协调标准

Standard for modular coordination of residential buildings

NEN 2320-1988 的面积和体积

Deze norm geeft termen, definities en de wijze van bepaling van de terreinoppervlakte voor gebouwen en van de vloeroppervlakten en inhouden van

Areas and volumes of residential buildings and dwellings

NEN 2687-1989 的漏气性.要求

De norm is bedoeld te worden toegepast op nieuwbouwwoningen. Opmerking De norm kan ook van toepassing worden verklaard op renovatiewoningen. Evenwel

Air leakage of dwellings - Requirements-

UNI 7960-1979 .内部分区.术语

Scopo della norma è di fornire una definizione dell'unità tecnologica di partizione interna e degli elementi tecnici che la compongono

Housing. Internal partitions. Terminology.

IS 4648-1968 电气布局指南

1.1 This guide prescribes, for single family dwellings, the electrical installations needed to provide satisfactory facilities by the use






