

发布时间:2023-09-26 00:40:51


军工检测 其他检测

GB/T 50801-2013 评价标准

1.0.1 为了贯彻落实国家在建筑中应用可再生能源、保护环境的有关法规政策,增强社会应用可再生能源的意识,促进我国可再生能源建筑应用事业的健康发展,指导可再生能源建筑应用工程的测试与评价,制定本标准。1.0.2 本标准适用于应用太阳能热利用系统、太阳能光伏系统、地源热泵系统的新建、扩建和改建工程的

Evaluation standard for application of renewable energy in buildings

DB37/T 2396-2013 监测技术标准

本标准适用于可再生能源建筑应用工程监测系统的设计、施工、运行和维护。 本标准不适用于贸易结算的相关应用

Technical Standards for Engineering Monitoring of Renewable Energy Building Applications

DB37/T 2397-2013 检测与评价标准


Renewable energy building application engineering testing and evaluation standards

GB 55015-2021 规范

  现批准《建筑节能与可再生能源利用通用规范》为国家标准,编号为GB 55015-2021,自2022年4月1日起实施。本规范为强制性工程建设规范,全部条文必须严格执行。现行工程建设标准相关强制性条文同时废止。现行工程建设标准中有关规定与本规范不一致的,以本规范的规定为准。   本规范在住房和

General specification for building energy conservation and renewable energy utilization

MS 1525-2001 非住宅效率和使实务守则

Code of practice on energy efficiency and use of renewable energy for non-residential buildings

BS EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016 效率和.国际通术语.

Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Common international terminology. Renewable energy sources

ICC IECC-1998 CHAPTER 4-1998 利的系统分析和设计进行住宅设计

Residential Building Design by Systems Analysis and Design of Buildings Utilizing Renewable Energy Sources

JB/T 14258-2022 电 术语

Electrician Renewable Energy Terminology

BOCA IECC-1998 CHAPTER 4-1998 利物,通过系统分析与设计的住宅设计

The format and provisions of The BOCA National Propero Maintenance Code are designed to provide units of government with an effective regulatory

Residential Building Design by Systems Analysis and Design of Buildings Utilizing Renewable Energy Sources

NF X30-137-2*NF EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016 效率和国际术语 第2部分:

Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 2 : renewable energy sources

ISO/IEC 13273-2:2015 效率和. 国际通术语. 第2部分:

Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 2: Renewable energy sources

DIN EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016-06 效率和国际术语 第2部分:

Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 2: Renewable energy sources (ISO/IEC 13273-2:2015); German version EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016

UNE-EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016 效率和国际术语 第2部分:

Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 2: Renewable energy sources (ISO/IEC 13273-2:2015)

NF EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016 效率和 - 通国际术语 - 第 2 部分:

Efficacité énergétique et sources d'énergie renouvelables - Terminologie internationale commune - Partie 2 : sources d'énergie renouvelables

DB11/T 1975-2022 垃圾产品技术规

Technical specification for the application of construction waste recycled products

GB/T 50801-2013 评价标准

1.0.1 为了贯彻落实国家在建筑中应用可再生能源、保护环境的有关法规政策,增强社会应用可再生能源的意识,促进我国可再生能源建筑应用事业的健康发展,指导可再生能源建筑应用工程的测试与评价,制定本标准。1.0.2 本标准适用于应用太阳能热利用系统、太阳能光伏系统、地源热泵系统的新建、扩建和改建工程的

Evaluation standard for application of renewable energy in buildings

DB37/T 2396-2013 监测技术标准

本标准适用于可再生能源建筑应用工程监测系统的设计、施工、运行和维护。 本标准不适用于贸易结算的相关应用

Technical Standards for Engineering Monitoring of Renewable Energy Building Applications

DB37/T 2397-2013 检测与评价标准


Renewable energy building application engineering testing and evaluation standards

GB 55015-2021 规范

  现批准《建筑节能与可再生能源利用通用规范》为国家标准,编号为GB 55015-2021,自2022年4月1日起实施。本规范为强制性工程建设规范,全部条文必须严格执行。现行工程建设标准相关强制性条文同时废止。现行工程建设标准中有关规定与本规范不一致的,以本规范的规定为准。   本规范在住房和

General specification for building energy conservation and renewable energy utilization

MS 1525-2001 非住宅效率和使实务守则

Code of practice on energy efficiency and use of renewable energy for non-residential buildings

BS EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016 效率和.国际通术语.

Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Common international terminology. Renewable energy sources

ICC IECC-1998 CHAPTER 4-1998 利的系统分析和设计进行住宅设计

Residential Building Design by Systems Analysis and Design of Buildings Utilizing Renewable Energy Sources

JB/T 14258-2022 电 术语

Electrician Renewable Energy Terminology

NF X30-137-2*NF EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016 效率和国际术语 第2部分:

Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 2 : renewable energy sources

ISO/IEC 13273-2:2015 效率和. 国际通术语. 第2部分:

Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 2: Renewable energy sources

DIN EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016-06 效率和国际术语 第2部分:

Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 2: Renewable energy sources (ISO/IEC 13273-2:2015); German version EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016

UNE-EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016 效率和国际术语 第2部分:

Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 2: Renewable energy sources (ISO/IEC 13273-2:2015)

NF EN ISO/IEC 13273-2:2016 效率和 - 通国际术语 - 第 2 部分:

Efficacité énergétique et sources d'énergie renouvelables - Terminologie internationale commune - Partie 2 : sources d'énergie renouvelables

BOCA IECC-1998 CHAPTER 4-1998 利物,通过系统分析与设计的住宅设计

The format and provisions of The BOCA National Propero Maintenance Code are designed to provide units of government with an effective regulatory

Residential Building Design by Systems Analysis and Design of Buildings Utilizing Renewable Energy Sources

DB11/T 1975-2022 垃圾产品技术规

Technical specification for the application of construction waste recycled products






