

发布时间:2023-03-03 14:28:56


军工检测 其他检测

农业农村部公告第611号-3-2022 硫酸新霉素可溶性粉中非法添加苯并咪唑和大环内酯类抗寄生虫药物检查方法


农业农村部公告第335号 新霉素残留检测方法标准(试行)


1349药典 二部-2020 第一部分 九画 复方新霉素软膏

2281药典 二部-2020 第一部分 十二画 硫酸新霉素片

2282药典 二部-2020 第一部分 十二画 硫酸新霉素滴眼液

2280药典 二部-2020 第一部分 十二画 硫酸新霉素

农业农村部公告第197号-3-2019 饲料中硫酸新霉素的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法


336兽药质量标准2017年版 化学药品卷 第一篇兽药质量标准 十二画 硫酸新霉素溶液

670兽药质量标准2017年版 化学药品卷 第二篇兽药产品说明书范本 十二画 硫酸新霉素粉(水产用)说明书

335兽药质量标准2017年版 化学药品卷 第一篇兽药质量标准 十二画 硫酸新霉素粉(水产用)

671兽药质量标准2017年版 化学药品卷 第二篇兽药产品说明书范本 十二画 硫酸新霉素溶液说明书

334兽药质量标准2017年版 化学药品卷 第一篇兽药质量标准 十二画 硫酸新霉素软膏

669兽药质量标准2017年版 化学药品卷 第二篇兽药产品说明书范本 十二画 硫酸新霉素软膏说明书

354兽药典 一部-2015 正文品种 第一部分十二画硫酸新霉素片

355兽药典 一部-2015 正文品种 第一部分十二画硫酸新霉素可溶性粉

353兽药典 一部-2015 正文品种 第一部分十二画硫酸新霉素

356兽药典 一部-2015 正文品种 第一部分十二画硫酸新霉素滴眼液

2186药典 二部-2015 第一部分 十二画 硫酸新霉素

2188药典 二部-2015 第一部分 十二画 硫酸新霉素滴眼液

2187药典 二部-2015 第一部分 十二画 硫酸新霉素片

1286药典 二部-2015 第一部分 九画 复方新霉素软膏

CFR 21-522.1484-2014 食品和药物. 第522部分:植入或注射用剂型的新动物药. 第522.1484节:新霉素.

(a) Specifications. Each milliliter of solution contains 50 milligrams (mg) of neomycin sulfate (equivalent to 35 mg of neomycin base). (b) Sponsor. See No. 054771 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter.

Food and drugs. Part522:Implantation or injectable dosage form new animal drugs. Section522.1484:Neomycin.

CFR 21-558.364-2014 食品和药物. 第558部分:用于动物饲料的新动物药. 第558.364节:硫酸新霉素.

(a) Approvals. Type A medicated article: 325 grams per pound to 054771 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter. (b) Related tolerances. See § 556.430 ofthis chapter. (c) [Reserved] (d) Conditions of use. Neomycin sulfate is used as follows:

Food and drugs. Part558:New animal drugs for use in animal feeds. Section558.364:Neomycin sulfate.

CFR 21-524.1484g-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1484g节:新霉素;噻菌灵和地塞米松液.

(a) Specifications. Each cubic centimeter of neomycin sulfatethiabendazole- dexamethasone solution contains: 40 milligrams of thiabendazole, 3.2 milligrams of neomycin (from neomycin sulfate), and 1 milligram of dexamethasone.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1484g:Neomycin, thiabendazole, and dexamethasone solution.

CFR 21-524.981c-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.981c节:醋酸肤和新霉素霜.

(a) Specifications. The drug contains 0.025 percent fluocinolone acetonide and 0.5 percent neomycin sulfate (0.35 percent neomycin base). (b) Sponsor. See No. 099207 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.981c:Fluocinolone and neomycin cream.

CFR 21-524.1484c-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1484c节:新霉素;泼尼松龙和丁卡因软膏.

(a) Specifications. The drug contains 5 milligrams of neomycin sulfate (equivalent to 3.5 milligrams of neomycin base), 1 milligram of isoflupredone acetate, and 5 milligrams of tetracaine hydrochloride in each gram of ointment.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1484c:Neomycin, isoflupredone, and tetracaine ointment.

CFR 21-524.1484b-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1484b节:新霉素;泼尼松龙;丁卡因和十四烷基伽马甲基吡啶粉.

(a) Specifications. The product contains 5 milligrams of neomycin sulfate, equivalent to 3.5 milligrams of neomycin base, 1 milligram of isoflupredone acetate, 5 milligrams of tetracaine hydrochloride and .2 milligram of myristyl-gamma-picolinium chloride

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1484b:Neomycin, isoflupredone, tetracaine, and myristyl-gammapicolinium powder.

CFR 21-524.1600b-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1600b节:制霉菌素;新霉素;硫链丝菌素和注射眼膏.

(a) Specifications. Each cubic centimeter of ointment contains: 100,000 units of nystatin, neomycin sulfate equivalent to 2.5 milligrams of neomycinbase, 2,500 units of thiostrepton, and 1.0 milligram of triamcinolone acetonide.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1600b:Nystatin, neomycin, thiostrepton, and triamcinolone ophthalmic ointment.

CFR 21-524.1600a-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1600a节:制霉菌素;新霉素;硫链丝菌素和曲安奈德软膏.

(a) Specifications. Each milliliter of petrolatum base or each gram of vanishing cream base ointment contains: 100,000 units of nystatin; neomycin sulfate equivalent to 2.5 milligrams of neomycin base; 2,500 units of thiostrepton; and 1.0 milligram of tri

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1600a:Nystatin, neomycin, thiostrepton, and triamcinolone ointment.

CFR 21-524.155-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.155节:枯草杆菌素;新霉素;多粘菌素B和氢化可的松眼膏.

(a) Specifications. Each gram of ointment contains 400 units of bacitracin zinc, 5 milligrams (mg) of neomycin sulfate (equivalent to 3.5 mg of neomycin sulfate), 10,000 units of polymyxin B sulfate, and10 mg of hydrocortisone.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.155:Bacitracin, neomycin, polymyxin B, and hydrocortisone ophthalmic ointment.

CFR 21-524.154-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.154节:枯草杆菌素,新霉素,多粘菌素B和眼药膏.

(a) Specifications. Each gram of ointment contains: (1) 500 units of bacitracin, 3.5 milligrams of neomycin, and 10,000 units of polymyxin B sulfate; or

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.154:Bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin B ophthalmic ointment.

CFR 21-524.1484k-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1484k节:泼尼松龙和新霉素悬架.

(a) Specifications. Each milliliter of suspension contains 2.5 milligrams of prednisolone acetate and 5 milligrams of neomycin sulfate equivalent to 3.5 milligrams of neomycin base.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1484k:Prednisolone and neomycin suspension.

CFR 21-524.1484j-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1484j节:新霉素和泼尼松眼膏.

(a) Specifications. Each gram of ointment contains prednisolone sodium phosphate equivalent to 2.5 milligrams prednisolone 21-phosphate and 5 milligrams neomycin sulfate equivalent to 3.5 milligrams neomycin base.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1484j:Neomycin and prednisolone ophthalmic ointment.

CFR 21-524.1484i-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1484i节:新霉素和氢化可的松软膏.

(a) Specifications. The drug contains 5 milligrams of neomycin sulfate, equivalent to 3.5 milligrams of neomycin base, and 5 milligrams of hydrocortisone acetate in each gram of ointment.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1484i:Neomycin and hydrocortisone ointment.

CFR 21-524.1484h-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1484h节:青霉素;新霉素;多粘菌素B和氢化可的松混悬液.

(a) Specifications. Each milliliter of suspension contains 25 milligrams of neomycin sulfate equivalent to 17.5 milligrams of neomycin, 10,000 international units of penicillin G procaine, 5,000 international units of polymyxin B sulfate, 2 milligrams of

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1484h:Neomycin, penicillin, polymyxin B, and hydrocortisone suspension.

CFR 21-524.1484d-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1484d节:新霉素;氢化可的松和丁卡因耳膏.

(a) Specifications. The product contains 5 milligrams of neomycin sulfate, equivalent to 3.5 milligrams of neomycin base, 5 milligrams of hydrocortisone acetate, and 5 milligrams of tetracaine hydrochloride in each gram of ointment.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1484d:Neomycin, hydrocortisone, and tetracaine otic ointment.

CFR 21-524.1484e-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1484e节:新霉素和多粘菌素B滴眼液.

(a) Specifications. Each milliliter of the ophthalmic preparation contains 5.0 milligrams neomycin sulfate (3.5 milligrams neomycin base), and 10,000 Units of polymyxin B sulfate.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1484e:Neomycin and polymyxin B ophthalmic solution.

CFR 21-524.1484f-2014 食品和药物. 第524部分:眼科外用剂型的新动物药. 第524.1484f节:新霉素;泼尼松龙和丁卡因滴耳液.

(a) Specifications. The product contains 5 milligrams of neomycin sulfate equivalent to 3.5 milligrams of neomycin base, 2.5 milligrams of prednisolone acetate, and 5 milligrams of tetracaine hydrochloride in each milliliter of sterile suspension.

Food and drugs. Part524:Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Section524.1484f:Neomycin, prednisolone, and tetracaine otic suspension.

194兽药产品说明书范本第一册-2013 十二画 替葡硝硫喹氯奥普 硫酸新霉素滴眼液说明书


193兽药产品说明书范本第一册-2013 十二画 替葡硝硫喹氯奥普 硫酸新霉素可溶性粉说明书


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