

发布时间:2023-12-05 07:05:02


军工检测 其他检测

T/ZZB 1641-2020 管式三相工业

本标准规定了电热管式三相电工业取暖器(以下简称取暖器)的术语和定义、基本要求、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存及质量承诺。 本标准适用于三相器具额定电压不超过480 V,以电热管作为发热元件,通过风扇强制对流传热的,在工农业和类似场所使用的电取暖器,它可以是便携式

Three phase electric industrial heater with electric heating tube

DIN 44576-4:1987 室内.蓄式地板.使用特性.室内计算

This standard applies to electric thermal storage floor heatings for dwelling houses and all other buildings which are intended for use equivalent ot

Electric room heating; thermal storage floor heating; characteristics of performance; calculation for room heating

PN E77024-1973 家用和相似用途气烹饪和

Przedmiot normy. Przedmiotem normy s? ogólne wymagania I badania dotyoz?oe elektryeznyoh tao powszechnego u?ytku przeznaczonych do podgrzewania (lub

Electric cooking and hea?ing appliances for domestic and simiiar purposes Warming pia?es

TB/T 2704-2005 铁道客车

本标准规定了铁道客车用电取暖器的使用条件、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则以及标志、包装、运输、贮存等。 本标准适用于铁道客车、机车和动车组用电取暖器的设计、制造、检查与验收

Electric heater of railway passenger car

CSN 06 1101-2005 中央供系统用

Zpracovatel: Spole?nost pro techniku prost?edí, I?: CZ0049978 Doc. Ing. Ji?í Ba?ta, Ph.D., ?VUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, ?stav techniky prost?ed

Heating appliances for central heating systems

BS 8433:2004(2009 可微波的个人 — 规格

Microwavable personal warmers — Specification

NF C73-255:1981 采和灶具的家用.蓄式房间.安全要求

Heating and cooking household electrical appliances. Thermal.storage room heaters. Safety requirements.

PN E08217-02-1989 家用以外的房间.性能测试方法

Przedmiotem arkusza normy s? metody badań cech funkcjonalnych ogrzewaczy wn?trzowych nieakumula-cyjnych oporowych, przeznaczonych do u?ytku

Household electrical appliances Room heaters other than storage heaters Methods for measuring the performance

JG/T 236-2008

本标准规定了电采暖散热器的术语和定义、分类和标记、要求、试验方法、检验规则及标志、包装、运输和贮存等。 本标准适用于固定安装在建筑物内具有温度控制功能并作为建筑物主要采暖方式的电采暖散热器

Electric heating radiator

DS/EN 60531:2001 家用性能测量方法

The Standard applies to electric storage heaters having a daily operating cycle and intended to heat the room in which they are located. This standard

Household electric thermal storage room heaters - Methods for measuring performance

NF C73-256/A11*NF EN 60531/A11:2019 家用性能测量方法

Household electric thermal storage room heaters - Methods for measuring performance

IRAM 2064-1953 设备的联结中的两极

B-l Esta norma establece las características de los conectores bipolares de apa-ratos eléctricos de calefacción con tensión nominal de 220V e

GB/T 20703-2006 船舶气装置 和烹调


Electerical installations in ships Equipment Heating and cooking appliances

NF C73-211:1985 家用 灶具、炉和类似 性能

Household electrical heating appliances. Ranges, ovens and similar appliances. Performance.

CSN ON 06 4410-1962 燃料

T/ZZB 1641-2020 管式三相工业

本标准规定了电热管式三相电工业取暖器(以下简称取暖器)的术语和定义、基本要求、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存及质量承诺。 本标准适用于三相器具额定电压不超过480 V,以电热管作为发热元件,通过风扇强制对流传热的,在工农业和类似场所使用的电取暖器,它可以是便携式

Three phase electric industrial heater with electric heating tube

DIN 44576-4:1987 室内.蓄式地板.使用特性.室内计算

This standard applies to electric thermal storage floor heatings for dwelling houses and all other buildings which are intended for use equivalent ot

Electric room heating; thermal storage floor heating; characteristics of performance; calculation for room heating

PN E77024-1973 家用和相似用途气烹饪和

Przedmiot normy. Przedmiotem normy s? ogólne wymagania I badania dotyoz?oe elektryeznyoh tao powszechnego u?ytku przeznaczonych do podgrzewania (lub

Electric cooking and hea?ing appliances for domestic and simiiar purposes Warming pia?es

TB/T 2704-2005 铁道客车

本标准规定了铁道客车用电取暖器的使用条件、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则以及标志、包装、运输、贮存等。 本标准适用于铁道客车、机车和动车组用电取暖器的设计、制造、检查与验收

Electric heater of railway passenger car

CSN 06 1101-2005 中央供系统用

Zpracovatel: Spole?nost pro techniku prost?edí, I?: CZ0049978 Doc. Ing. Ji?í Ba?ta, Ph.D., ?VUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, ?stav techniky prost?ed

Heating appliances for central heating systems

BS 8433:2004(2009 可微波的个人 — 规格

Microwavable personal warmers — Specification

NF C73-255:1981 采和灶具的家用.蓄式房间.安全要求

Heating and cooking household electrical appliances. Thermal.storage room heaters. Safety requirements.

PN E08217-02-1989 家用以外的房间.性能测试方法

Przedmiotem arkusza normy s? metody badań cech funkcjonalnych ogrzewaczy wn?trzowych nieakumula-cyjnych oporowych, przeznaczonych do u?ytku

Household electrical appliances Room heaters other than storage heaters Methods for measuring the performance

JG/T 236-2008

本标准规定了电采暖散热器的术语和定义、分类和标记、要求、试验方法、检验规则及标志、包装、运输和贮存等。 本标准适用于固定安装在建筑物内具有温度控制功能并作为建筑物主要采暖方式的电采暖散热器

Electric heating radiator

DS/EN 60531:2001 家用性能测量方法

The Standard applies to electric storage heaters having a daily operating cycle and intended to heat the room in which they are located. This standard

Household electric thermal storage room heaters - Methods for measuring performance

NF C73-256/A11*NF EN 60531/A11:2019 家用性能测量方法

Household electric thermal storage room heaters - Methods for measuring performance

IRAM 2064-1953 设备的联结中的两极

B-l Esta norma establece las características de los conectores bipolares de apa-ratos eléctricos de calefacción con tensión nominal de 220V e

GB/T 20703-2006 船舶气装置 和烹调


Electerical installations in ships Equipment Heating and cooking appliances

NF C73-211:1985 家用 灶具、炉和类似 性能

Household electrical heating appliances. Ranges, ovens and similar appliances. Performance.

CSN ON 06 4410-1962 燃料






