

发布时间:2023-12-19 07:46:04


军工检测 其他检测

DIN 27203-9:2012-09 铁路辆状况乘区第9部分:

State of railway vehicles - Passenger area - Part 9: Emergency exit windows / Note: DIN 27203-9 (2004-10) remains valid alongside this standard until 2013-02-28.

DIN 27203-9:2012 铁路辆的状况.乘区.第9部分:

State of railway vehicles - Passenger area - Part 9: Emergency exit windows

DIN 27203-9:2004 铁路辆的状况.乘区.第8部分:

This document applies to emergency exit windows of passenger coaches/ railcars/motor-coach trains

State of railway vehicles - Passenger area - Part 9: Emergency exit windows

QC/T 1030-2016 外推式应

本标准规定了客车外推式应急窗的一般要求、特殊要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、储存和运输。 本标准适用于M2类和M3类客车的外推式应急窗

Bus push-out emergency window

T/CSAE 83-2018 电动设置规范

本标准规定了电动客车应急出口的数量、尺寸、位置和标志等内容。 本标准适用于车长大于等于6m 的电动客车,包括纯电动客车/ 城市客车、混合动力客车/ 城市客车(含插电式和增程式),燃料电池客车/ 城市客车参照使用

The emergency exit setting requirements for electric bus

49 CFR 571 217-2016 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2014 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2017 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2011 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2018 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2009 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2010 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2012 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2015 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2013 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

DIN 27203-9:2012-09 铁路辆状况乘区第9部分:

State of railway vehicles - Passenger area - Part 9: Emergency exit windows / Note: DIN 27203-9 (2004-10) remains valid alongside this standard until 2013-02-28.

DIN 27203-9:2012 铁路辆的状况.乘区.第9部分:

State of railway vehicles - Passenger area - Part 9: Emergency exit windows

DIN 27203-9:2004 铁路辆的状况.乘区.第8部分:

This document applies to emergency exit windows of passenger coaches/ railcars/motor-coach trains

State of railway vehicles - Passenger area - Part 9: Emergency exit windows

QC/T 1030-2016 外推式应

本标准规定了客车外推式应急窗的一般要求、特殊要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、储存和运输。 本标准适用于M2类和M3类客车的外推式应急窗

Bus push-out emergency window

T/CSAE 83-2018 电动设置规范

本标准规定了电动客车应急出口的数量、尺寸、位置和标志等内容。 本标准适用于车长大于等于6m 的电动客车,包括纯电动客车/ 城市客车、混合动力客车/ 城市客车(含插电式和增程式),燃料电池客车/ 城市客车参照使用

The emergency exit setting requirements for electric bus

49 CFR 571 217-2016 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2014 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2017 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2011 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2018 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2009 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2010 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2012 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2015 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release

49 CFR 571 217-2013 标准第 217 号;公交户保持和释放

This standard establishes requirements for the retention of windows other than windshields in buses@ and establishes operating forces@ opening

Standard No. 217; Bus emergency exits and window retention and release






