

发布时间:2023-12-19 08:37:31


军工检测 其他检测

JUS F.G0.002-1979 服装和.图示和

Clothes - garments and body measurements. Pictogram and body measures

JUS F.G0.001-1979 服装和.图示和. 术语和定义

Clothes - garments and body measurements. Pictogram and body measures. Terms and definitions

DIN 33402-2 Bb.1:2006 :第2部分:数值.的实际应用

Human body dimensions - Part 2: Values; Supplement 1: Application of body dimensions in practice

ONORM A 8062-1983 的实际应哟个.百分位数的使用原则

Dimensions of the human body; practical use of body dimensions; principles for the work with percentiles

GB/T 13547-1992 工作空间

本标准规定了与工作空间有关的中国成年人基本静态姿势人体尺寸的数值。 本标准适用于各种与人体尺寸相关的操作、维修、安全防护等工作空间的设计及其工效学评价

Human dimensions in workspaces

GB/T 10000-1988 中国成年


Human dimensions of Chinese adults

DS 923:1954 女袜.名称和

The standard specifies size designations and body measurement in relation to ladies' hosiery

Women's hosiery ware. Size designation and body dimensions

GB/T 26158-2010 中国未成年

本标准给出了未成年人(4岁~17岁)72项人体尺寸所涉及的11个百分位数。 本标准适用于未成年人用品的设计与生产,以及未成年人相关设施的设计和安全防护

Human dimensions of Chinese minors

GB/T 10000-2023 中国成年

Chinese adult body size

DS 918:1959 女童袜.名称和

The standard specifies size designations and body measurement in relation to girls' hosiery

Girl's hosiery ware. Size designation an body dimensions

DS 919:1959 男童袜.名称和

The standard specifies size designations and body measurements in relation to boys' hosiery

Boy's hosiery ware. Size designation and body dimensions

ISO 8559:1989 服装结构和测量

Defines the location and taking of body dimensions and applies to all items of clothing for men, women and children. The use of calipers

Garment construction and anthropometric surveys; body dimensions

KS A ISO 8559:2008 服装结构和测量.

이 표준은 의복 패턴과 의복 표준을 설정하기 위한 인체치수의 측정 부위를 정의하고 인체측정

Garment construction and anthropometric surveys-Body dimensions

SANS 10184:2008 的定义及测量

Defines body dimensions and provides a standard procedure for measuring the body

Definitions for and measurement of body dimensions

DIN 33402-1:1978 ;概念.测量方法

This part of DIN 33402-1 defines standardised terms and measuring procedures for the evaluation of human body dimensions which will provide

Body dimensions of people; terms and definitions, measuring procedures

JUS F.G0.002-1979 服装和.图示和

Clothes - garments and body measurements. Pictogram and body measures

JUS F.G0.001-1979 服装和.图示和. 术语和定义

Clothes - garments and body measurements. Pictogram and body measures. Terms and definitions

DIN 33402-2 Bb.1:2006 :第2部分:数值.的实际应用

Human body dimensions - Part 2: Values; Supplement 1: Application of body dimensions in practice

ONORM A 8062-1983 的实际应哟个.百分位数的使用原则

Dimensions of the human body; practical use of body dimensions; principles for the work with percentiles

GB/T 13547-1992 工作空间

本标准规定了与工作空间有关的中国成年人基本静态姿势人体尺寸的数值。 本标准适用于各种与人体尺寸相关的操作、维修、安全防护等工作空间的设计及其工效学评价

Human dimensions in workspaces

GB/T 10000-1988 中国成年


Human dimensions of Chinese adults

DS 923:1954 女袜.名称和

The standard specifies size designations and body measurement in relation to ladies' hosiery

Women's hosiery ware. Size designation and body dimensions

GB/T 26158-2010 中国未成年

本标准给出了未成年人(4岁~17岁)72项人体尺寸所涉及的11个百分位数。 本标准适用于未成年人用品的设计与生产,以及未成年人相关设施的设计和安全防护

Human dimensions of Chinese minors

GB/T 10000-2023 中国成年

Chinese adult body size

DS 918:1959 女童袜.名称和

The standard specifies size designations and body measurement in relation to girls' hosiery

Girl's hosiery ware. Size designation an body dimensions

DS 919:1959 男童袜.名称和

The standard specifies size designations and body measurements in relation to boys' hosiery

Boy's hosiery ware. Size designation and body dimensions

ISO 8559:1989 服装结构和测量

Defines the location and taking of body dimensions and applies to all items of clothing for men, women and children. The use of calipers

Garment construction and anthropometric surveys; body dimensions

KS A ISO 8559:2008 服装结构和测量.

이 표준은 의복 패턴과 의복 표준을 설정하기 위한 인체치수의 측정 부위를 정의하고 인체측정

Garment construction and anthropometric surveys-Body dimensions

SANS 10184:2008 的定义及测量

Defines body dimensions and provides a standard procedure for measuring the body

Definitions for and measurement of body dimensions

DIN 33402-1:1978 ;概念.测量方法

This part of DIN 33402-1 defines standardised terms and measuring procedures for the evaluation of human body dimensions which will provide

Body dimensions of people; terms and definitions, measuring procedures

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