

发布时间:2023-12-20 00:43:56


军工检测 其他检测

GB/T 13663.3-2018 (PE) 第3部分:

Polyethylene(PE)piping systems for water supply—Part 3: Fittings

GB/T 13663.2-2005 (PE) 第2部分;

GB/T 13663的本部分规定了给水用聚乙烯(PE)管件(以下简称管件)的定义、材料、产品分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本部分适用于由PE63、PE80和PE100材料(见4.1)制造的管件以及本部分规定的聚乙烯给水系统中的机械连接管件

Polyethylene(PE)pipings systems for water supply.Part 2:Fittings

GB/T 13663.2-2018 (PE) 第2部分:

Polyethylene(PE) piping systems for water supply—Part2: Pipes

GB/T 13663.1-2017 (PE) 第1部分:总则

GB/T 13663的本部分规定了给水用聚乙烯(PE)管道系统的术语和定义、符号、缩略语、材料和卫生要求。 本部分与GB/T 13663的其他部分一起,适用于水温不大于40 ℃,最大工作压力(MOP)不大于2.0 MPa,一般用途的压力输水和饮用水输配的聚乙烯管道系统及其组件

Polyethylene(PE) piping systems for water supply.Part 1:General

GB/T 13663.5-2018 (PE) 第5部分:

Polyethylene (PE) piping systems for water supply—Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system

SH/T 1758-2007 (PE)专

本标准规定了给水管道系统用聚乙烯(PE)专用料的命名、分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、 标志及包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于具有特殊添加剂和着色剂(黑色或蓝色)的颗粒状聚乙烯材料。 该材料可用于制造给水管道系统用的聚乙烯管材和管件

Polyethylene (PE) materials for water supply piping systems

BS ISO 4427-2:2007 塑料.(PE)件.

This part of ISO 4427 specifies the pipes made from polyethylene (PE) intended for the conveyance of water for human consumption, including raw water

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Pipes

GB/T 32018.1-2015 抗冲改性(PVC-M) 第1部分:

GB/T32018 的本部分规定了给水用抗冲改性聚氯乙烯(PVC-MD)管材的材料.产品分类及等级规格、要求,试验方法.检验规则、标志、包装、.运输,贮存。 本部分适用于以聚所乙烯树脂为主要原料,经共混改性挤出成型的给水用抗冲改性聚毛乙烯(CPVC-MD)管道系统用管材(以下简称管材)。 本部分规定

Modified impact resistance poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-M) pipe system for water supply.Part 1:Pipes

GB/T 32018.2-2015 抗冲改性(PVC-M) 第2部分:

GB/T 32018的本部分规定了给水用抗冲改性聚氯乙烯(PVC-M)注塑管件的材料、产品分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存。 本部分适用于建筑物内外给水用管件。与GB/T 32018.1-2015《给水用抗冲改性聚氯乙烯(PVC-M)管道系统第1部分:管材》配套使用。 本部

Modified impact resistance poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-M) pipe system for water supply.Part 2:Fittings

BS ISO 4427-3:2007 塑料.(PE)件.

This part of ISO 4427 specifies the general aspects of fittings made from polyethylene (PE) for piping systems intended for the conveyance of water

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Fittings

BS ISO 4427-1:2007 塑料.(PE)件.总则

This part of ISO 4427 specifies the general aspects of polyethylene (PE) piping systems (mains and service pipes) intended for the conveyance of water

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - General

SANS 4427-2:2008 塑料.(PE)件.第2部分:

Specifies the pipes made from polyethylene (PE) intended for the conveyance of water for human consumption, including raw water prior to treatment

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part 2: Pipes

SANS 4427-2 塑料.(PE)件.第2部分:

Plastic piping systems. Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply. Part 2: Pipes

ISO 4427-2:2007 塑料.(PE)件.第2部分:

This part of ISO 4427 specifies the pipes made from polyethylene (PE) intended for the conveyance of water for human consumption, including raw water

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part 2: Pipes

ISO 4427-3:2007 塑料.(PE)件.第3部分:

This part of ISO 4427 specifies the general aspects of fittings made from polyethylene (PE) for piping systems intended for the conveyance of water

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part 3: Fittings

GB/T 13663.3-2018 (PE) 第3部分:

Polyethylene(PE)piping systems for water supply—Part 3: Fittings

GB/T 13663.2-2005 (PE) 第2部分;

GB/T 13663的本部分规定了给水用聚乙烯(PE)管件(以下简称管件)的定义、材料、产品分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本部分适用于由PE63、PE80和PE100材料(见4.1)制造的管件以及本部分规定的聚乙烯给水系统中的机械连接管件

Polyethylene(PE)pipings systems for water supply.Part 2:Fittings

GB/T 13663.2-2018 (PE) 第2部分:

Polyethylene(PE) piping systems for water supply—Part2: Pipes

GB/T 13663.1-2017 (PE) 第1部分:总则

GB/T 13663的本部分规定了给水用聚乙烯(PE)管道系统的术语和定义、符号、缩略语、材料和卫生要求。 本部分与GB/T 13663的其他部分一起,适用于水温不大于40 ℃,最大工作压力(MOP)不大于2.0 MPa,一般用途的压力输水和饮用水输配的聚乙烯管道系统及其组件

Polyethylene(PE) piping systems for water supply.Part 1:General

GB/T 13663.5-2018 (PE) 第5部分:

Polyethylene (PE) piping systems for water supply—Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system

SH/T 1758-2007 (PE)专

本标准规定了给水管道系统用聚乙烯(PE)专用料的命名、分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、 标志及包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于具有特殊添加剂和着色剂(黑色或蓝色)的颗粒状聚乙烯材料。 该材料可用于制造给水管道系统用的聚乙烯管材和管件

Polyethylene (PE) materials for water supply piping systems

BS ISO 4427-2:2007 塑料.(PE)件.

This part of ISO 4427 specifies the pipes made from polyethylene (PE) intended for the conveyance of water for human consumption, including raw water

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Pipes

GB/T 32018.1-2015 抗冲改性(PVC-M) 第1部分:

GB/T32018 的本部分规定了给水用抗冲改性聚氯乙烯(PVC-MD)管材的材料.产品分类及等级规格、要求,试验方法.检验规则、标志、包装、.运输,贮存。 本部分适用于以聚所乙烯树脂为主要原料,经共混改性挤出成型的给水用抗冲改性聚毛乙烯(CPVC-MD)管道系统用管材(以下简称管材)。 本部分规定

Modified impact resistance poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-M) pipe system for water supply.Part 1:Pipes

GB/T 32018.2-2015 抗冲改性(PVC-M) 第2部分:

GB/T 32018的本部分规定了给水用抗冲改性聚氯乙烯(PVC-M)注塑管件的材料、产品分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存。 本部分适用于建筑物内外给水用管件。与GB/T 32018.1-2015《给水用抗冲改性聚氯乙烯(PVC-M)管道系统第1部分:管材》配套使用。 本部

Modified impact resistance poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-M) pipe system for water supply.Part 2:Fittings

BS ISO 4427-3:2007 塑料.(PE)件.

This part of ISO 4427 specifies the general aspects of fittings made from polyethylene (PE) for piping systems intended for the conveyance of water

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Fittings

BS ISO 4427-1:2007 塑料.(PE)件.总则

This part of ISO 4427 specifies the general aspects of polyethylene (PE) piping systems (mains and service pipes) intended for the conveyance of water

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - General

SANS 4427-2:2008 塑料.(PE)件.第2部分:

Specifies the pipes made from polyethylene (PE) intended for the conveyance of water for human consumption, including raw water prior to treatment

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part 2: Pipes

SANS 4427-2 塑料.(PE)件.第2部分:

Plastic piping systems. Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply. Part 2: Pipes

ISO 4427-2:2007 塑料.(PE)件.第2部分:

This part of ISO 4427 specifies the pipes made from polyethylene (PE) intended for the conveyance of water for human consumption, including raw water

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part 2: Pipes

ISO 4427-3:2007 塑料.(PE)件.第3部分:

This part of ISO 4427 specifies the general aspects of fittings made from polyethylene (PE) for piping systems intended for the conveyance of water

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part 3: Fittings






